About us
Mariagerfjord Gymnasium is a 6th form college situated in the town of Hobro by Mariager Fjord in Northern Jutland. The school, which is an independent institution under the Department of Education, has 60 teachers and 550 students aged 15-19. Mariagerfjord Gymnasium provides 2 academically oriented general upper secondary programmes:
- The 3-year Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination (STX)
- The 2-year Higher preparatory Examination Course (HF)
Mariagerfjord Gymnasium ist sehr schön gelegen in Hobro am Mariager Fjord in Nordjütland. Das Gymnasium unterliegt dem Unterrichtsministerium und hat 60 Lehrer und etwa 550 Schüler im Alter von 15-19 Jahren. Die Schule hat 2 Ausbildungen:
- Das Gymnasium (STX, nach 3 Jahren: das Abitur)
- Höhere Vorbereitung (HF, nach 2 Jahren: eine Abschlussprüfung)
Mariagerfjord Gymnasium è un liceo scientifico-linguistico che ha la sua sede nella città di Hobro nella Jutlandia del nord, vicino al fiordo Mariager Fjord. L'Istituto è ente autonomo ma dipendente dal Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione con 60 professori e all'incirca 550 sturdenti tra i 16 e i 19 anni. Mariagerfjord Gymnaisum offre 2 opportunità formative che permettono l'accesso agli studi superiori:
- STX: percorso di educazione triennale per conseguire la maturità generale.
- HF ('esame preparatorio superiore') della durata di due anni.
Mariagerfjord Gymnasium está hermosamente situado en Hobro cerca de Mariagerfjord (el Fiordo de Mariager) en Jutlandia del Norte. El instituto es una institución autónoma bajo el Ministerio de Educación y tiene 60 profesores y aprox. 550 estudiantes de 15 a 19 años. El instituto ofrece 2 formaciones:
- el bacillerato (STX, 3 años)
- el examen preparatorio superior (HF, 2 años)
Lycée Mariagerfjord est un lycée d'enseignement général, situé dans la ville de Hobro, près du fjord de Mariager, dans le nord du Jutland. Le lycée, qui est un établissement autonome dépendant du Ministère de l'Education nationale, emploie 60 enseignants et reçoit environ 550 élèves agés de 15 à 19 ans. Lycée Mariagerfjord offre aux élèves de passer 2 examens finaux et nationaux:
- le baccalauréat général (STX), (durée 3 ans)
- l'examen préparatoire supérieur (HF), (durée 2 ans)

The Gymnasium
Mariagerfjord Gymnasium provides two programmes of Upper Secondary Education:
- A three-year programme leading to the Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination (Studentereksamen – STX)
- A two-year programme leading to the Higher Preparatory Examination (Højere Forberedelseseksamen – HF)
The programmes emphasize a broad theoretical education of high academic standard and offer a wide variety of subjects: Danish, English, German, French, Spanish, Latin, Ancient and Modern History, Religious Studies, Philosophy, Psychology, Economics, Social Studies, Geography, Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Computing, Music, Art, Design and Physical Education. And in addition, the extracurricular activities: Music, Art and Sports.
Throughout the school year there are a wide range of activities for both students and teachers such as pedagogical seminars, the students’ drama production, the annual school dance, the graduation party, and of course the extensive unofficial social activities organized by the students themselves. The teachers are encouraged to constantly improve their pedagogical and professional skills by attending a large variety of in-service training programmes. About once a month all the teachers participate in a staff meeting to discuss the practical, administrative and pedagogical matters of the school. The democratic rights of the students are guaranteed by the students’ council.
It is of great importance to Mariagerfjord Gymnasium that we achieve our ultimate educational goal: that our students acquire substantial academic training and develop human abilities which enable them to become full-scale members of our democratic society.

The Town of Hobro
Hobro is a small and active town of approximately 11.400 inhabitants in the region of North Jutland. It is situated in the beautiful countryside surrounding Mariager Fjord.
The town is historically linked to the Viking Age. Situated only a few kilometers from the town center are the remnants of Fyrkat – the impressive Viking fortress built around 980 and a live Viking farm stead where you can experience the way of life of the Vikings.
Hobro is the ideal starting point for excursions in North Jutland. Aalborg is the main city of the region with beautiful old houses, its Museum of Modern Art and the impressive Utzon Center by the waterfront. Further north lies Skagen – the idyllic and mundane seaside resort at Denmark's top where two seas meet.
The city of Aarhus – the second largest city in Denmark, is only an hour’s drive from Hobro. Interesting tourist attractions are ARoS and the Old Town.